Daily Archives: September 5, 2007

Lima Citizens take Republican caucus

Cathy Gardner and Dan Marcellus of the Lima Citizens for Responsible Development won the nominations for Town Board at the Lima Republican caucus Tuesday night. They defeated incumbent Harold Harris and long-time Republican Committee member Bill Carey.

The vote totals were Gardner 108, Marcellus 101, Carey 89 and Harris 84. A total of 200 voters participated which was about 16 per cent of the 1241 enrolled Republicans in the town. The Democratic caucus is scheduled for Wednesday, September 12.

Gardner and Marcellus had already secured themselves a position on the ballot on the independent Lima Citizens party line. No other independent petitions were filed by the August 21 deadline.

The Lima Citizens for Responsible Development was formed last year in opposition to a proposed Super Wal-Mart store in the town.