Daily Archives: October 12, 2007

PDDG to sponsor ‘Town Meeting’ on Newman PDD

Please Don’t Destroy Geneseo (PDDG) will sponsor a Town Meeting on the Newman PDD application Monday, October 22 at 7 P.M. at St. Mary’s Parish Center on North Street. The meeting, which is exactly one week before the official public hearing on the proposal, will be moderated by Mark Lattime, Rector of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Geneseo.

The meeting will be announced in a full page ad in this week’s Genesee Valley Pennysaver. The announcement invites all members of the community “whether anti-Lowes, pro-Lowes or just confused.” PDDG also specifically invited members of the new pro-Lowes group Keep Geneseo Vibrant and Growing (KGVG) to attend and engage in a dialogue. A personal invitation will be sent to KGVG leader Ted Universal urging his group to attend the meeting.

Rev. Lattime emphasizes that he is not a member of either group or of any political party and that he will make sure that all sides get an opportunity to express their views. The only ground rule is that all speakers must be residents of Geneseo. PDDG said they hoped the meeting could help the public clarify some of the factual issues and misunderstandings prior to the public hearing.