Daily Archives: October 22, 2007

Town Meeting is tonight!

The Town Meeting on the Newman PDD proposal sponsored by Please Don’t Destroy Geneseo will be tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. Mary’s Parish Center on North Street. Citizens of all points of view have been invite to participate in large ads that ran in both the Pennysaver and the LC News.

A personal invitation was also sent by e-mail to Ted Universal, nominal head of the pro-Lowe’s group Keep Geneseo Vibrant and Growing (KGVG) encouraging his group’s involvement. As of Sunday, however, no response had been received.

The meeting is intended to help clarify some of the issues surrounding the PDD application in preparation for next week’s public hearing. It will be moderated by Mark Lattime, Rector of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church. Rev. Lattime is not affiliated with any group or political party and has promised that all sides will have an equal opportunity to speak.