
Despite a delightful meal served to combatants at the Peace Banquet Monday night, Supervisor Wes Kennison wasted no time in launching a vitriolic attack on PDDG’s Bill Lofquist on Wednesday. (See Bill’s column)

In the process of responding to Bill’s appeal of his latest FOIL request, Supervisor Kennison took the opportunity to charges that Bill’s “repetitious FOIL requests and appeals are burdening the Town and diverting town personnel from more important tasks.”

Warming up to his subject, Kennison then attacked the lawsuit filed by PDDG saying, “You have also undertaken to sue the town over the fact that we could not conjure documents which either never existed or were discarded in the ordinary course of business.”

No mention is made of PDDG’s offer to dismiss the lawsuit if the Town would simply get copies of the “discarded” documents back from Newman Development. Nor is there any denial of the fact that state regulations require that such correspondence be preserved by the town for at least 6 years.

Instead, Kennison turns both barrels on Lofquist saying, “Your conduct constitutes abuse of a process intended to ensure our system of open government.” He goes on to accuse Lofquist of making the FOIL requests “simply for the sake of harassing the Town.”

Sadly, there seems to be no peace in G-Town. Perhaps Judge Taddeo will have better luck when she holds a conference with the two sides on May 16. Good Luck!

A copy of Kennison’s letter is posted here

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